Welcome! Our desire is that you come to know more about Christ at Pine City EFC. Whether you are just starting your search for God, want to grow in your relationship with Him, and are searching for a church home, we would like you to know that there is a special place for you. We hope you find us warm and welcoming as well as providing you with Christ-centered teaching, God-exalting worship and fellowship.
We desire that you feel at home at Pine City EFC and are able to discover, develop and use the gifts and abilities that God has given you. The best way to get to know others and enjoy fellowship, is to join us on Sunday mornings for worship and through other ministries and Christian Education opportunities that we provide on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.
When you visit us we invite you to the following get-acquainted opportunities:
The Welcome Desk is provided for you to ask questions, get answer to those questions and provide you with information about our ministries and opportunities. If visiting, please sign the Guest Register!
Communication Cards are inside your bulletin. Please use this card to communicate with any ministry team leaders, staff persons or pastor. There is also a place on the back of the card for prayer requests and comments. Please place the card in the offering plate. Thank you!
Introduce Yourself to Someone, they might be new, too! Take a moment to stop and get to know that individual who sat next to you!
Sunday Morning Christian Education Classes for all ages at 9:00 a.m.(Fall through Spring) All classes are located at our South Campus Building.