Evangelism & Missions

 Spreading of the Gospel to the nations at home and abroad.

The Evangelism and Missions Leadership Team’s primary objective is to encourage and equip the local church to support and be involved in the spreading of the Gospel to the nations at home and abroad.  Starting in our Jerusalem, and reaching to our Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Local Missions

Our church family takes the opportunity to reach out into the community and invite children and their parents to an evening of trick or treating from trunk to trunk at “Trunk or Treat”. Those in our church family choose a theme (non-scary) dress up and decorate their car trunks. Children trick or treat from trunk to trunk, playing games and receiving candy. Wonderful tracts about Christ are handed to children for their parents to read to them at home. A light supper is served such as sloppy joes and hot dogs, along with a warm beverage. We extend a warm invitation to those in the community to participate in this event.

View Local Missions

Global Missions

We partner with multiple men and women as they work to spread the gospel here in the United States and abroad.  While, for security reasons, not all of our missionaries can be featured here, we invite you to connect with these individuals, learn more about their work, and join us in prayerful support of their ministries.

View Global Missions