Women’s Ministries

JOY Ladies

JOY (Just Older Youth) Ladies meet the first and third Monday of each month(September-May), 12 noon, in the church library, South Campus for a time of fellowship and Bible study. Our fall kick off meeting will start the third Monday of September (Sept. 18). The purpose is to come together as a group to share life, meet the needs of others, support and pray for each other and our families.  There are planned activities and events that will reach out to our church family, community and beyond.  Join with us in the endeavor!

Women's Fellowship

Ladies, you are invited to our Women’s Fellowship Gathering, always the third Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the South Campus Building.

We are using the “Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan – Through the New Testament in 5 Days a Week, 5 Minutes a Day”.  The doors are open by 6:30 p.m. for a time of encouragement, fellowship and conversation; followed by prayer and round table discussion. It is not necessary to study ahead of time. We will ask God to speak through His Word during our group time. All ladies are welcome. If you can’t make it on a certain night, please come the next time.

Women's Prayer

Women’s Prayer Time is an opportunity for all women to gather to pray for specific areas of need including prayer requests, health concerns, church family, community and missionaries. We invite you to attend when you can on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m., church library, South Campus.